Thursday, June 28, 2012

I'll see what I can do, but my hands are tied here

"The great notion that we may be able to make sure that every American citizen has a health insurance plan to protect them from high costs from an unplanned medical emergency is clouding the most important issue that arose from “Obamacare.”  When government intervenes in an insurance market, they don’t run it according to real risk, and the balance sheet is almost always in the red.  Beyond that, we are forced by the government to make a decision about our own health.  Good intentions are not an excuse for a revocation of liberty.  There are plenty of things that I think every American should have, but it’s not my duty to go out and force them to spend their hard earned money on it, and it is certainly not the government’s job to put people in jail or levy taxes on those who want make their own decisions about their own life." -

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